Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

the 3th article (what is therapy?)

What is therapy?
Therapy and counseling are types of treatment to improve your mental well-being. These treatments can help people who are experiencing emotional or behavior problems, or people who have a mental health disorder. Therapy is sometimes called psychotherapy (say: sike-o-ther-apy) or talk therapy. If you are taking medication for a mental health disorder, therapy will usually improve the results you are get from the medicine.
Different types of therapy use different techniques. In most kinds of therapy and counseling, the person receiving treatment will talk with a professional therapist. However, therapy is more than just talking about your problems. Therapy can teach you new ways to think about the situations that bother you and help you cope with your feelings. It can help with feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, shyness and panic. It can also give you tools to help fight low self-esteem and depression, for example.
List of Vocabulary:
Ø Treatment          :perlakuan
Ø Disorder             : kekacauan
Ø Therapist            : pengobatan
Ø Cope                   : mengatasi
Ø Anxiety              : kegelisahan
Ø Shyness              : perasaan malu/ segan
Ø Self-esteem        : penghargaan diri
Ø Fear                     : rasa takut, ketakutan
Ø Anger                  : marah, amarah
Fill in the blanks with the suitable conjunctions (that, and, or,if, or)!
1.    Therapy....counseling are types of treatment to improve your mental well-being.
2.   Therapy is sometimes called psychotherapy (say: sike-o-ther-apy)....talk therapy.
3.    ....you are taking medication for a mental health disorder, therapy will usually improve the results you are get from the medicine.
4.  Therapy can teach you new ways to think about the situations.... bother you.
5.   These treatments can help people who are experiencing emotional....behavior problems.

the 2nd article (Psychologists)

Psychologists are people who work in the field of psychology. A psychologist may work in either basic research or applied research, or if he or she is a clinical psychologist or counseling psychologist they may be a therapist. Basic research is the study of people or animals to learn more about them. Applied research is using what was learned from basic research to solve real-world problems.
To become a psychologist, a person must first get a basic degree at a university and then go to graduate school. A Master's degree, either M.S. (Master of Science) or M.A. (Master of Arts) allows beginning work, like a school psychologist. A Doctorate degree takes a longer time because it includes studying more material and writing a research paper called a dissertation. The doctoral graduate uses the initials Ph.D. or D.Phil (Doctor of Philosophy) after his or her name. Some clinical psychologists earn a Doctor of Psychology degree and use the initials Psy.D. after their name. The American Psychological Association says that a person needs a Ph.D. or Psy.D. to call himself or herself a psychologist.
The words psychologist and psychiatrist may be confused with each other. A psychiatrist has graduated from medical school and uses the initials M.D. Usually, a psychologist cannot prescribe drugs for a patient; only a psychiatrist or another MD can do this.
1.      Psychologists         : ahli ilmu jiwa
2.      Psychiatrist            : dokter penyakit jiwa
3.      Applied research   : memakai penelitian
4.     Solve                         : memecahkan
5.      Allows                      : membolehkan, mengizinkan
6.     A Doctorate           : gelar doktor
7.      Dissertation           : disertasi
8.     Graduate                 : lulusan
9.     Association             : perkumpulan, persatuan
10. Prescribe                  : menentukan
Answer the questions based on the text above!
1)   What is the title of the article?
2)   What is the psychologists?
3)   How do become a psychologist?
4)  Why a doctorate degree takes a longer time?
5)   What is the initials of the doctoral graduate use?
6)  What is the different between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

the first article (ecological counseling)

Ecological Counseling
This article talk about how to manage and know children psyhological in learning English.
Ecological Counseling offers an approach to the conceptualization of human issues that integrates personal and environmental factors through focusing on their interaction. By doing so, the widely divergent forces that converge through the development of a human life may be organized into a logical and coherent narrative. This process is invaluable when attempting to assist people in the recreation of their lives, as is the case with the various forms of counseling.
The theoretical structure of this approach emerges from the integration of field theory, phenomenology, and constructivism. In 1935, Kurt Lewin, a German Gestalt psychologist, articulated that human behavior is a product of personal and environmental factors and formulated the equation B=(PxE). Urie Bronfenbrenner expanded Lewin's work in 1979 into Ecological Systems Theory. Ecological Counseling posits that the person is inextricably situated within radically specific and interdependent ecological systems. Additionally, the individual carries particular capacities, limitations, temperaments, preferences, symbolic representation systems and personal historicity through the varying environmental settings in which the person lives. The interactions between the person and environment result in the construction of the individual ecological niches. These niches are what we experience as our world.
Ecological counseling seeks to understand people's ecological niches and assist them to live a satisfying life. This is accomplished by improving one's interactional quality, or concordance, through counseling intervention at both the personal and environmental levels.
Ecological Counseling has implications for clinical counseling practice, counselor training, group work, career counseling, social service delivery, research, social justice initiatives, community intervention, consultation, supervision, and human growth & development.

Vocabulary List : 
  •  widely divergent                : sangat beragama
  • attempting                          : mencoba
  •  assist                                  : membantu
  •  emerges                              : muncul  
  • expanded                             : diperluas 
  • inextricably situated         :terkait dengan
  •  ecological niches               : ekologi relung
  • intervention                        : campur tangan 
  • research                               : penelitian

Match the words in column A with the ones in column B!
widely divergent       
a.to help a someone
c.how to solve a problem
d.a various
e.try to do a something

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